Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

Dochi Sadega - Pheromones


i'll tell you how good it would feel
if i close my eyes to see you're so close to me
and everytime i need you, you're standing next to me

when the day is over we went back
to the lives we used to live
i'm with her and you're with him
so far away

wasn't a long time ago
we used to laugh together
and i told you how i felt
now i miss you so
today i'll never forget
and i will never regret
oh can we do this again

i'll tell you how bad it would feel
when you're gone
i'm singing up the song we used to sing
with every breathe i take
the line i'm remembering

Sabtu, 24 November 2012

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perlu di ingat teman-teman jangan pernah melihat seseorang dari penampilan atau berpandang negative tentang diri seseorang.. lebih baik kenali terlebih dahulu dan gimana caranya kita menyesuaikan diri kita.. karena suatu saat nanti mereka akan menjadi lebih baik dengan sendirinya dan menjadi orang hebat..

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Halo.. apa kabar?
ini blog baru gw, yg lama ( ga bisa dibuka gara-gara password nya gw lupa.. hehe

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